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Invisalign – Attleboro, MA

Achieve Straight Teeth Without Brackets and Wires

It’s never too late to take the necessary steps to improve the appearance of your smile. If you are dealing with a crooked teeth, orthodontic treatment can be a big benefit for your oral and overall health. There’s a wonderful option for patients of all ages these days -- it’s Invisalign in Attleboro, a clear braces solution that straightens teeth using clear plastic aligners rather than visible hardware. Keep reading to find out how it works and whether or not Invisalign from our Attleboro, MA cosmetic dentist could be the right solution for your smile!

Why Choose Capron Park Dental for Invisalign?

  • Eat the Foods You Want Without Worry
  • Maintain Your Smile’s Appearance
  • Straighten Teeth in Less Time Overall

How Does Invisalign Work?

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Once we have determined that you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign, we begin your treatment planning by taking detailed notes on your dentition, or the way your teeth line up. Impressions, x-rays, and photos of your smile are sent to the Invisalign lab, where your set of aligners is created especially for you.

You can begin wearing your Invisalign trays as soon as you receive the trays. Your dentist will provide detailed instructions for proper use, including:

  • Wear your tray for 20 to 22 hours each day, removing it only to eat, drink (beverages other than water), and to brush and floss your teeth.
  • Use each aligner for two weeks (unless otherwise directed) before advancing to the next in the system.
  • Notify your dentist immediately if your tray becomes damaged, warped, or otherwise is not fitting correctly.
  • Visit Capron Park Dental for regularly-scheduled appointments to ensure you progress through the treatment without delay.

With Invisalign, you can continue to eat what you like without worrying you will pop off a bracket or wire. Simply slip your aligners out before meals and snacks and crunch away on all your favorite foods. Removable aligners also ensure you can continue to brush and floss without worrying about any special techniques.

Most people who could benefit from traditional orthodontic treatment are eligible for Invisalign. Teeth alignment is most successfully achieved on healthy teeth and gums, so don’t forget to schedule a checkup and cleaning at Capron Park Dental before beginning your Invisalign treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign tray held between fingers

The advantages of Invisalign clear braces are significant, especially compared to conventional braces. Some of the most notable include...

  • Removable aligners allow you to eat and drink what you like
  • It’s as easy as ever to brush and floss your teeth with removable Invisalign
  • Feel free to remove the aligners before special meetings and events
  • Plastic aligners are more comfortable than fixed brackets and wires
  • Fewer visits to the dentist are required throughout the treatment compared to conventional braces
  • And other wonderful benefits!

Who Can Invisalign Help?

Invisalign trays in red case

Although more complex orthodontic cases require treatment with conventional braces, many patients can benefit from Invisalign clear braces. In fact, this discreet teeth-straightening service can address overcrowded teeth, overbites, and several other common problems! To find out if you’re a candidate, schedule a consultation with us so we can make sure your teeth and gums are healthy and assess the complexity of your case. In the meantime, you can read on to learn more on the topic.

Crowded Teeth

Illustration of crooked teeth

Overcrowding is one of the most common orthodontic issues. Unfortunately, it has the potential to negatively impact your smile in several ways. For example, your toothbrush and floss can have a hard time removing food particles and plaque from the unique crevices, increasing your risk of tooth decay in the process. As a result, Invisalign has the potential to benefit the look and health of your smile!

Gaps Between Teeth

Illustration of gapped teeth

Some patients are struggling with the opposite problem: there is too much space in their mouth. Whether you have a significant gap between your two front teeth or small gaps throughout your smile, it’s worth coming in for a consultation with one of our dedicated dentists. After assessing the position of your teeth and the health of your smile, they can determine if you’re a candidate for Invisalign.


Illustration of overbite

Although you want your top teeth to sit in front of your bottom teeth, you don’t want there to be a significant space between them. This bite problem is known as an overbite, and it has the potential to interfere with your chewing and speaking patterns. The good news is that we can add orthodontic accessories, like rubber bands, to your treatment plan to improve the alignment of your bite.


Illustration of underbite

If your bottom teeth jut out beyond your top ones, then you have an underbite. Unfortunately, this can result in considerable jaw pain as well as low self-esteem and trouble speaking clearly. Luckily, Invisalign can address some cases with the help of buttons, rubber bands, and other orthodontic accessories. So, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment to see if clear aligners are the solution you’ve been looking for!


Illustration of crossbite

You know about overbites and underbites now, but what if you have a mixture of the two? This is called a crossbite and, like the other bite problems on this list, it can negatively impact the look, health, and function of your smile. Also like the other bite problems on this list, Invisalign may be the solution! The best way to find out is to schedule an appointment with us so we can conduct an exam.

Open Bite

Illustration of openbite

Due to genetics or a childhood habit, like thumb-sucking, your teeth might not come together evenly in the front or back. Since this can place immense pressure on certain teeth and result in premature wear and tear, we strongly recommend exploring your orthodontic treatment options, like Invisalign.

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

Close up of hand holding Invisalign in Attleboro aligner

Do you want to know if Invisalign in Attleboro is worth the investment? Compared to traditional braces, Invisalign offers a more comfortable, discreet, and quicker route to a straighter smile. The cost of Invisalign, however, depends on several factors that are discussed below. If you have even more questions about orthodontic treatment costs, do not hesitate to call our office or schedule a consultation.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Invisalign

Dentist examining results of Invisalign in Attleboro

Every smile is unique, so there is no one-size-fits-all cost of Invisalign. Instead, a number of factors will influence how much you pay to straighten your smile, such as:

  • Number of Arches – While most patients straighten their upper and lower teeth at the same time, your costs will likely be lower if you only need to straighten one dental arch.
  • Complexity – Simple tooth movements like closing a single gap are usually cheaper than straightening multiple crooked teeth.
  • Length of Treatment – Longer treatments require additional aligners and thus carry a higher cost.

Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Young man holding Invisalign tray

Some people who want a “quick fix” for their crooked teeth choose Smile Direct Club due to its lower cost. While Invisalign usually costs anywhere between $3,000 to $8,000, Smile Direct Club costs closer to $2,000. However, when it comes to a person’s smile, cheaper typically does not mean better. 

One major risk with “do-it-yourself” clear aligner kits like Smile Direct Club is the fact that there is little to no oversight by a dental professional. Plenty can go wrong, from having to make impressions yourself to not correctly following the treatment process. If your smile does not turn out the way you wanted, you may need to visit a dentist afterward to make any corrections.

Meanwhile, if you want peace of mind and a quality cosmetic service, look no further than Invisalign clear braces from Capron Dental Park. One of our experienced Invisalign dentists in Attleboro will craft highly accurate custom trays and guide you through the entire process.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

Dental insurance paperwork on desk with X-Ray and glasses

Many dental insurance plans do not cover traditional orthodontic treatment or Invisalign. However, every plan is different! If you are considering straightening your teeth, be sure to check with your insurance provider to confirm your coverage. Do you have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) through your work? If so, you can likely use that money to help cover the cost of Invisalign in Attleboro. For help understanding your insurance coverage and related issues, do not hesitate to ask our knowledgeable staff.

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

Woman removing her Invisalign in Attleboro aligner

At Capron Park Dental, we are committed to helping patients achieve the straight smiles of their dreams without breaking the bank. During this important first step, one of our talented dentists will carefully examine your mouth and take dental X-rays. After conducting this evaluation, we will be able to confirm whether or not you make a good candidate for Invisalign treatment. Orthodontic consultations are typically valued at $142, but you can request one free of charge. Do not hesitate to take advantage of this fantastic offer and start your journey to a straightened smile.

Living with Invisalign

Woman placing Invisalign tray

Most people find life is easier day-to-day with Invisalign compared to traditional braces. Because you can take the aligners out, you do not have to worry about limiting your diet to avoid the hard, crunchy, or sticky items that can damage brackets and wires. It is also easier to brush and floss your teeth, as you do not have to worry about maneuvering around fixed braces. Wear your Invisalign trays for 20 to 22 hours each day, taking them out only to eat, drink, brush, and floss, as well as for limited special events. When your aligners are not in your mouth, make sure you store them in the special case to avoid damage. You should wear each Invisalign aligner for one to two weeks, depending on our recommendation. We will schedule visits every six weeks, during which we will check in to make sure you are progressing as planned. By attending these regular visits and complying with the treatment, you will make it through the treatment without any delays!

Invisalign FAQs

Dentist in Attleboro placing Invisalign aligner on patient

If you’re interested in getting Invisalign in Attleboro, then you’re in the right place. Reading through the above information can give you valuable insight into everything from the benefits of the clear aligners to what an average day with them is like. If you’re ready to take the next step, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team to schedule an initial consultation. If you want to do some more research first – that’s okay too! Keep reading for the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Invisalign.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

Naturally, one of the first questions many patients have is about the length of treatment. The answer is determined by a few key factors, like how severe the orthodontic issue is and how diligent you are about following your dentist’s instructions. With all that being said, there is an average treatment time with Invisalign: 12 to 18 months. In fact, patients with more minor corrections, like slight spacing issues, can work through their series of trays in as little as six months! Ultimately, the first step in determining how long it will take to achieve your dream smile requires you to schedule an initial consultation with our skilled dentist in Attleboro.

Does Invisalign Hurt?

Are you worried that the aligners will cause soreness or, even worse, be downright painful? You’ll be happy to learn that Invisalign’s clear aligners are considered by the large majority of patients to be significantly more comfortable than traditional braces. So, while it’s natural to experience some pressure from your teeth being moved into their ideal positions, having a healthy, straight, beautiful smile will be well worth it. Plus, if you do experience some discomfort after transitioning to a new set of aligners, using a cold compress or taking OTC pain medication will do the trick!

What Happens After Invisalign?

Once you’ve worked through your series of Invisalign aligners, there is one more important step: wearing your retainer. This oral appliance is designed to keep your teeth in their new and improved positions throughout the years. Most times, you’ll be asked to wear it as much as possible (around 22 hours a day) for the first six months or so before wearing it solely at night. This will help ensure you don’t experience orthodontic relapse, requiring you to undergo an additional round of treatment.

Can You Eat with Invisalign?

One of the non-negotiable rules of Invisalign is that you cannot eat with your Invisalign aligners in. Not only will this lead to unsightly discoloration, but the pressure from chewing can also bend, warp, or otherwise damage the trays. Therefore, it’s of the utmost importance that you take them out beforehand. Fortunately, that means there are no dietary restrictions – crunchy apples, fresh celery, and corn on the cob are all on the table! Just make sure to keep sugary foods, like candy, to a minimum since excessive consumption can lead to cavities.

Let’s Get Started!

Woman inserting her invisalign tray over upper teeth

If you are ready to discuss how clear braces can improve the appearance of your smile, we look forward to exploring your options in orthodontics. Don’t hesitate to request an appointment with your cosmetic dentist in Attleboro today!

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