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Dental Crowns – Attleboro

Build Up and Protect Your Damaged Teeth

Man smiling at the dentist

Tooth enamel is incredibly strong. In fact, it is the toughest substance in the entire body. That being said, it isn’t completely indestructible. Teeth can become damaged in various ways, including through decay, injuries, and accidents. Fortunately, you don’t need to say goodbye to your tooth just because it’s seen better days. At Capron Park Dental, we offer dental crowns to build up and protect your damaged teeth. If you think you may benefit from a new dental crown or you want more information, give us a call!

Why Choose Capron Park Dental for Dental Crowns?

  • We Welcome Dental Insurance
  • Lifelike, Ceramic Restorations
  • Trios 3D Scanner In-House

What Is a Dental Crown?

Digital illustration of a dental crown

A crown is a tooth-shaped cap crafted from high-quality dental materials. It fits directly over a damaged tooth to restore its form and function. Since dental crowns are single dental restorations that are designed to cover a damaged or weak tooth, they have been proven to be a great way to treat a variety of dental issues, including:

  • Building up and protecting teeth with decay that is too extensive for a dental filling.
  • Assisting a tooth that has already suffered from decay, been filled, and needs additional support.
  • Repairing a tooth that has suffered from trauma that’s compromised its structure and stability.
  • Making over a tooth that has a major cosmetic flaw, like discoloration from metal fillings.
  • Holding a tooth together that has become weak and is at risk of cracking into pieces.
  • With the help of a dental implant, a dental crown can be attached for a great tooth replacement solution.
  • Covering a tooth that has been treated with root canal therapy to reduce its risk of further infections.

The Dental Crown Process

Woman getting a dental procedure

The procedure for a dental crown is usually completed over two visits to your dentist’s office. During the first appointment, your dentist will plan out your treatment and prepare your tooth for the dental crown. This involves removing decayed and damaged portions of the tooth and a small amount of enamel. The enamel removal is necessary for the crown to fit comfortably over your tooth without appearing bulky or causing crowding. Impressions are taken and sent to the dental lab. You will be given a temporary crown to wear for a couple weeks as your permanent one is being made. Once it’s ready, you can return for your second visit to have your final restoration placed.

The Benefits of Getting a Dental Crown

Man smiling in the dental chair

Dental crowns offer various benefits. Here are some of the most notable ones.

  • Comfortable
  • Natural-looking
  • Customized
  • Protects underlying tooth
  • Lasts 15+ years
  • Improves chewing ability
  • Increases confidence
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