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Dental Implant Failure and Salvage – Attleboro, MA

We Can Help When Dental Implants Fail

Senior man rubbing jaw due to discomfort

The overall success rate of dental implants is estimated to be around 95%. Naturally, this means that the odds of your implant posts failing are very low – but that doesn’t make them nonexistent. In the unlikely event that something goes wrong with your dental implants, your first move should be to call Capron Park Dental immediately. Once we’ve learned about your situation, we can start figuring out the best way to protect your smile as a whole.

Why Choose Capron Park Dental for Dental Implant Salvage?

  • Same-Day Emergency Appointments
  • Multiple Dental Experts in One Location
  • Flexible Dental Financing Options Available

Why Do Dental Implants Fail?

Illustration of a failed dental implant in Attleboro, MA

There is no singular reason why dental implants might fail, but there are a number of possible causes:

  • An infection could weaken the tissues around the implant posts, robbing them of the support that they require.
  • Osseointegration may fail to take place, meaning that the implant posts never successfully fuse with the surrounding bone.
  • The implants and/or the tissues around them may be damaged as a result of physical trauma.

Symptoms of Failed Dental Implants

Woman experiencing oral discomfort while brushing teeth

Sometimes your dental implants might fail shortly after you receive them. In other cases, you may not have any problems until years later. However, no matter when dental implant failure occurs, it typically results in the same kinds of symptoms. Common warning signs include:

  • Implant posts that move when you touch them.
  • Severe oral pain.
  • Bleeding, swelling, and other symptoms that could indicate the presence of an infection.
  • Having a hard time chewing your food even after receiving the final restoration.

How Dental Implant Salvage Works

Male dental patient sitting in green chair

The first step of the dental implant salvage process is always the same: you will need to visit our office so that we can examine your mouth and identify the source of the problem. Past that, we will need to create a treatment plan that has been tailored to your unique needs.

If the area around your implant posts has become infected, we can try to address it with conservative methods such as deep cleaning. Oftentimes, it may be possible to treat an infection without removing the implant posts.

Of course, there are circumstances where you will be unable to keep your current implant posts. However, we might be able to place new ones once your mouth is healthy again.

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