When it comes to dental implants, it’s normal to have a lot of questions. After all, it’s not every day that we take such a big step towards improving our oral and overall health. Thankfully, for nearly every question there’s an answer, so there’s no need to be left scratching your head about your upcoming procedure. If you’re curious about the ins and outs of dental implant surgery, here are just a few common queries (and their answers!).
Common Dental Implant Surgery Questions & Answers
Can I Drive Home from Surgery?
It is not recommended that you drive home from your surgery, even if you were awake for the procedure. This is because anesthesia can leave you feeling groggy and may alter your alertness and coordination. Thus, be sure to arrange a ride to and from your dentist’s office in advance. You may also want to consider having someone stay with you for the first 24 hours following your procedure if you live alone.
Will I Experience Any Bleeding?
It is normal to bleed or ooze following this surgery. Bleeding can last between 48- and 72-hours post-op and can sometimes even be considered heavy. If you do experience this, be sure to wipe your mouth out, and continue to bite down on the surgical sponges that were provided by your doctor. Rinsing your mouth with water and spitting can aggravate and worsen bleeding.
When Can I Eat Again?
You may eat once again at least an hour after your surgery, but be sure to stick to soft foods, and do not consume anything hot for several hours. Furthermore, do not use a straw for at least 24 hours following your procedure, as this can prevent important blood clot formation. Clots help seal incisions which in turn stops the bleeding and keeps the area free of food debris and bacteria.
Will Recovery Be Painful?
While it is common to experience some pain following dental implant surgery, it will depend on how involved your surgery was, and you shouldn’t experience outright, debilitating pain. Your dentist will recommend the appropriate care for your individual situation. In the case of more extensive surgeries, you may be prescribed pain medication. With some surgeries you may not need prescription pain relief and will be able to manage your symptoms with over-the-counter painkillers.
Will I Have Any Facial Swelling?
While it is impossible to predict who will experience facial swelling, it is certainly possible. Most swelling occurs within the first three to four days following surgery but will begin to subside after that.
Can I Brush My Teeth?
While maintaining an excellent oral hygiene routine is essential to keeping your mouth healthy and healing successfully from dental implant surgery, it is recommended that you wait 24 hours post-surgery before brushing your teeth. Before then you are welcome to gently swish with warm salt water, but do not use mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide during this time.
Can I Smoke?
No, you cannot smoke following your surgery, as this will increase your risk of dental implant failure. In addition to causing cavities, gum disease, tooth stains, and bad breath, smoking also makes it harder for the body to heal.
Remember, if you’re considering dental implants, there is no question you shouldn’t ask, so don’t hesitate to speak to your dentist if you have any concerns. The more you know, the better prepared you will be for a successful recovery.
About Our Practice
The team at Capron Park Dental places a high value on care and satisfaction. We take the time to get to know each of our patients on a personal level. Whether you’re here for a routine exam, a cosmetic procedure, or you’re looking to improve your smile with dental implants, we’re here to help.
To learn more about dental implants, schedule an appointment today by visiting our website or calling 508-928-8753.