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Should I Go To the ER for My Dental Emergency?

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — capronparkteam @ 2:28 pm
Illustration of a large tooth with a cavity sitting next to a dental mirror and a red emergency kit

It’s easy to get flustered if you’re in the middle of a dental emergency. Your thoughts are probably racing and full of questions like what to do and where to go to get help. Firstly, try your best to stay calm! Unless your life is at risk, then you have time to get the help you need. Next, you might feel tempted to head straight to the nearest emergency room. After all, they have doctors and surely can do something to help, right? Wrong! The truth is that in many cases your dentist can help you more than an ER so you’d be better off calling them first. Keep reading to learn why.

What is A Dental Emergency?

Before you decide on your next steps, it helps to know what constitutes a dental emergency. It’s a good idea to contact your dentist if you:

  • Crack or lose a tooth.
  • Have inflamed, bleeding gums.
  • Notice abscesses around your teeth.
  • Have a painful toothache.
  • Have a physical trauma to the mouth that results in knocked-out teeth.
  • Notice frequent sensitivity in your teeth or gums.

Dentists Know Teeth

If you’ve had an emergency issue, you naturally want the most qualified person to address it. You may assume ER doctors and nurses are the best choice for handling any immediate issue, teeth included. Even with their wealth of experience and education, however, they aren’t tooth experts! They might be able to help you with pain management or basic care, but they aren’t adept at placing teeth or crafting restorations.

Not only that, but the ER won’t have the same equipment as a dental office. Certain fixes will require specialized instruments and materials that most emergency rooms simply don’t have access to (or keep onsite). Meanwhile, your dentist has years of training to be able to handle different circumstances and will know what to do. Besides, if it turns out you do need more medical help based on your situation, they will let you know.

Emergency Rooms Can Be Pricey

Did you know that if you call the dentist first for your emergency you could save yourself both money and time? You might incur higher expenses if you opt for urgent care first. If their staff finds they cannot fully resolve your issue, they will refer you to a dentist for comprehensive treatment, anyway. That means you would be paying both the exorbitant ER costs, as well as the dental visit. You would also be making the trip to each site as well, doubling your driving time- and no one wants to be stuck in traffic with a toothache or other pressing issue.

If you’re in the middle of a dental emergency, don’t panic! Unless you’ve sustained a life-threatening injury, it’s safe to call your dentist first to let them know what happened. Many dentists offer specific emergency services and can see you right away so that you can get the help you need to fully fix your smile, regardless of the circumstances.

About the Practice

Our dentists at Capron Park Dental use their decades of experience combined with state-of-the-art equipment to provide you with preventative, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry under one roof. You and your loved ones can find the care you need to keep your smiles happy and healthy. If you’ve had an emergency and need to make an appointment, feel free to contact us on the website or by calling (508) 222- 5950.

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