Back when you were a child, a loose tooth would mean you’ll get a visit from the tooth fairy while you’re asleep. As an adult, a similar situation typically means a dental emergency. This can be unsettling and overwhelming, and you may not know the proper steps to preserve your pearly whites. To help you feel more comfortable during this urgent situation, here are four things you’ll need to consider when handling a loose tooth!
#1: Inform Your Dentist
Whether your tooth became loose due to a sudden blow to the face, an underlying dental issue, or even gum disease, the first thing you should do is call your dentist. Their dental team will be able to guide you on the next steps you’ll need to take to handle your situation as well as schedule the closest appointment time for your treatment. They can also walk you through first aid instructions, if necessary, and how to manage any discomfort or symptoms.
#2: Avoid Moving It Around with Your Tongue or Fingers
Although it might be tempting to wiggle your loose tooth around with your tongue or fingers, you should refrain from doing so. Even if you’re trying to move it back into position, this can end up causing more harm than good in the process. To avoid any complications, try to leave your tooth alone until your dentist can assess your situation.
#3: Keep Clear of Chewy, Sticky, or Hard Foods
You’ll likely need to eat while you wait for your dental appointment, especially if you have a few hours until then. To prevent irritating your gums and teeth, make sure to stick with softer foods, such as yogurt, applesauce, and soup. Munching on chewy, hard, or even sticky treats can worsen the issue or cause more damage to your tooth.
#4: Make Sure to Clean It
Brushing and flossing like normal will have to be placed on hold, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to clean the area. Try gently rinsing your mouth with a mixture of salt and water, which can naturally disinfect the area, alleviate minor discomfort, and minimize puffiness from the injury. You’ll also want to ensure the water isn’t cold, as this can irritate any soreness or sensitivity around your tooth.
While dealing with a loose tooth might seem stressful, following these few tips can make the situation less nerve-wracking. So, if you do notice even a slight wiggle in one of your teeth, feel free to speak with your dentist!
About the Author
Dr. William Herr received his dental degree from the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. He’s also a proud member of several organizations such as the Academy of General Dentistry and the Massachusetts Dental Society’s Leadership Institute. He provides a wide range of advanced and all-inclusive treatments, including emergency dentistry, dental crowns, and dental checkups/cleanings. If you have a loose tooth, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call 508-222-5950.