As the head of your family, you’re responsible for maintaining dental insurance in Attleboro. It ensures that your loved ones can receive the vital dental care they need, so it’s important that you’re informed about how it works. As you continue reading, learn what is generally covered and how you can save the most money!
How Dental Insurance Works
While medical insurance is intended to cover a portion of the costs of treatment for significant injuries or illnesses, most dental insurance plans work on a fee-for-service basis. This means that in exchange for a monthly premium (usually around $50) the insured are eligible for $1,000-$1,500 of care per calendar year – after the deductible has been met (also around $50).
Most dental insurance plans don’t allow for rollover coverage. Thus, they reset at the start of each new year.
How Dental Insurance Categorizes and Pays for Procedures
There are three basic types of procedures: preventive, basic and major. The following explains the types of procedures and coverage that apply for each category:
- Preventive Care – This is the cornerstone of excellent dental health. Most dental insurance companies will provide 100% coverage for two preventive care visits per year.
- Basic Care – This applies to procedures like fillings, gum disease treatment and root canal therapy. Dental insurance will typically cover up to 80%, leaving the patient to pay the remainder.
- Major Care – Bridges, inlays and dentures are some of the examples of treatments classified as major care. Dental insurance will cover up to 50% of the cost, and the patient will pay the remaining balance.
It should be noted that, in most cases, dental insurance won’t cover the cost of cosmetic dental procedures.
How to Save the Most Money
Like most people, you’re looking to save as much money as possible. One way to contribute to the bottom line and maximize your dental insurance for families is to schedule everyone for semi-annual preventive care visits for cleanings and checkups.
This results in the removal of harmful plaque and tartar that can eventually cause all sorts of trouble, and it provides a chance for the early identification of any issues that could bud into bigger problems. The more proactive you are about taking advantage of these opportunities, the lesser the chances of needing the more complex forms of care that require a greater out-of-pocket contribution.
Another way to protect your monthly investment is for the entire family to practice excellent dental hygiene. Brushing and flossing at least two times a day can do wonders for teeth and gum health, and help to keep more money in your wallet!
About the Author
Dr. William Herr is a graduate of the University of Maryland’s School of Dentistry. As part of his commitment to providing the absolute best in care, he has taken hundreds of hours of continuing education, which allows him to stay attuned to the latest advancements in dentistry. Dr. Herr understands the importance of family health, which is why he provides comprehensive and competent care for patients of all ages at Capron Park Dental. He can be reached for more information or to schedule a visit through his website.