One in eight people struggle with chronic tooth sensitivity. While it is never a fun thing to deal with, it can be especially bothersome during the holiday months. Keep reading to learn what Attleboro’s best dentist has to share about why the holidays can trigger worsening sensitivity and the steps you can take to fight against it.
The Holidays and Tooth Sensitivity
During the holidays, many of the traditional foods and beverages you probably enjoy are full of sugar and acid, and there’s a good chance you’re indulging a little more often than you typically do throughout the rest of the year. On top of the sugar, the holiday months are colder, and the extreme temperatures can aggravate your teeth. Here are a few ways you can combat tooth sensitivity during the holidays:
Use a Toothpaste Made for Sensitive Teeth
Because so many people suffer from tooth-sensitivity, there are now hundreds of toothpaste options out there to help fight it. Ask your dentist what brand they recommend for your specific needs.
Replace Acidic Beverages
Beverages such as juices, teas, and alcohol are popular to share with friends and family during the holidays, but their high acid content can exacerbate sensitive teeth. Instead of having a second glass of orange juice with holiday breakfast, opt for a carrot or spinach-based option. When it comes to wine and tea, be mindful of your intake and avoid extremely hot or cold options.
Avoid Candy
One of the worst parts about having sensitive teeth, is that it is further agitated by sugar. Opting for sugar-free treats with candies that use artificial sweetener can allow you to still enjoy the sweet flavor without having to deal with tooth pain.
Choose Non-Fruit Pies
If you’re not enjoying a slice of pie at some point, is it even the holidays? While all pies have high amounts of sugar in them, fruit pies have even more. Not only is I added to the pie itself, but there is also plenty of natural sucrose in the fruit.
Take a Pass on Ice Cream
Ice cream is a double whammy when it comes to tooth sensitivity. Between the sugar and extreme cold, it’s best to just avoid this dessert during the holidays if you have sensitive teeth.
Breathe Through Your Nose When You’re Outside
This one may not be food-related, but it’s just as important when it comes to avoiding tooth-sensitivity. The extremely cold air that often accompanies the holiday months can cause severe pain. In order to avoid this, try to breathe out of your nose as much as possible when you’re outside so that your teeth will be protected from the elements.
About the Practice
The team of doctors at Capron Park Dental is passionate about helping their patients overcome the struggle of teeth sensitivity. They believe that everyone they care for should be able to enjoy their lives without suffering from this condition, and they have helped hundreds be able to cope better. Their combined years of experience and top-notch skills make them the best choice in Attleboro. Are you ready to get relief from sensitive teeth? Request an appointment online or call (508) 222-5950.